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Determining Liability in a Multi-Car Pileup

Determining liability in a South Carolina car accident can be complicated. Often, two drivers involved in a collision will disagree …

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This Halloween, Beware of Traffic

I’ve written in the past about how important it is for drivers to take extra precautions on Halloween because of …

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Hospitalization Costs

After you’ve been involved in an accident, the first thing that automatically comes into mind is getting medical attention. That …

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Wrongful Death Liability

Most people involved in an accident are not aware that sometimes a defective component or the vehicle itself may have …

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Do Speed Limiters Prevent Truck Accidents?

Last updated October 29, 2022 Truck accidents are often more serious than other motor vehicle accidents, because of the size, …

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Can You File a Personal Injury Claim During Quarantine?

Being in quarantine has changed so many aspects of life. Everyone has to adjust to the new normal. Businesses, schools, …

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Increased Deliveries Causing a Surge in Traffic Accidents

With a few clicks, you can have nearly any item delivered to your doorstep. The Covid-19 pandemic is fueling an …

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Navigating the Auto Insurance Landscape

Whether you’re insuring a car for the first time, updating your auto insurance to cover a new car, or simply …

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Reckless Driving and Failure to Yield the Right-of-Way make South Carolina Ripe for Bicycle Accidents

For instance, did you know that cyclists are 10 times likelier to be killed in South Carolina than in Oregon? …

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Giving Props to one of My Favorite Professors from Law School, Paula Marie Young

What I Learned from Paula Marie Young Before law school, I was verbose. Now, I am not. I always delete …

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